Inner Peace
Inner peace is not just reserved for yogis or monks. Inner peace is a skill everyone can learn. Affirmations, visualisation, yoga and meditation all help to enhance inner harmony and
Taking Care of Your Body – Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually
All aspects of our health overlap each other, so a holistic approach to self-care is important. Ignoring your mental/emotional health can lead to a weaker immune system, likewise, ignoring your
Self-trust is not so much about trusting yourself to know all the answers, nor is it about believing you will always make the right decisions or do the right thing.
Angel Signs
Angels love to give us signs to let us know they are around. Paying attention to these signs may just give us the inspiration, wisdom or courage we’ve been seeking.
The Courage to Heal
Healing isn’t a process that happens by accident, being willing to face the hurts of the past, whether big or small, takes courage. Choosing to heal can sometimes be scary
Choose Happiness
As human beings we want nothing more than to be happy. Yet often we find ourselves questioning this, believing we don’t deserve to be happy, or that maybe it’s selfish
Choose love in everything you do.
Each new year offers an opportunity for reflection on the recent past, and consideration of the world we live in and where it’s headed. How do we then envision how
What is Energy Healing?
60 min $100 / 90 min $145
How Holistic Counselling May Help You
60 min $100 / 90 min $145
Ways to Healthier Living – Know you are Worthy
60 min $100 / 90 min $145