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Reiki is a universal energy force not restricted by time or location.  During a distant Reiki session, I channel the healing energy to you.  The results being the same as if I was seeing you in person.  Having a distant Reiki session allows you the opportunity of enjoy the benefits of the session in the comfort of your own home, without the need to travel to my place of business.

A distance Reiki session can be especially helpful to someone who is unable to leave their home due to sickness or medical restraints and is considered an excellent complementary treatment to those trying to manage chronic health conditions or are under a lot of stress.

Preparing For Your Distant Reiki Session

After contacting me, we will schedule a time and date for you for the distance Reiki session.  The Reiki session goes for approximately one hour which includes a short amount of time either side of the session to discuss your needs and answer any questions you may have.

In advance of the session (if we haven’t met before), you will be requested to provide some details about yourself to help me connect to you during the session.

For your distant Reiki session you will need a quiet space where you can either sit back in a large comfy chair or lie down on a lounge or bed, just  so long is it is somewhere quiet and you will be uninterrupted for the hour.  If you enjoy listing to relaxing music, you may like to have this playing in the background.

After the session I will contact you to inquire about your experience during the session and to discuss any questions you may have.

What You May Feel During a Reiki Session

During the session most clients feel a sense of relaxation and peace.  you may find you become so relaxed that you fall asleep or you may experience waves of energy moving throughout your body.  Some clients experience sensations in the body such as heat or tingling, while others feel nothing at all.  Whether you feel something or not, be assured Reiki energy is going where it’s needed most.

What You May Feel After a Reiki Session

After a Reiki session, you will be encouraged to drink water and follow your body’s needs, such as resting if tired.  Most people generally leave a Reiki session feeling refreshed however, Reiki treatments can sometimes stimulate a mild detoxification process such as fatigue, mild diarrhoea or extreme tiredness.  This is not an adverse reaction to the Reiki but rather the body’s natural healing response.  These reactions generally subside within 24hrs.

How Many Sessions Should I Receive

One session is a great start however, the number of session will vary, depending on what you wish to accomplish.  Some clients prefer to have one session while others have a series of sessions to work on a particular issue.  I recommend three sessions to start as this give you time to evaluate what benefits you are receiving.  These session could be scheduled across a number of days, weeks or months depending on how serious you health challenge is or if your treatment is just for general well-being.

In the presence of a serious health challenge, you should seek a licensed medical practitioner.  However, Reiki can be an excellent complement to health challenges and health or wellness plans.


                         Energy healing is complementary in nature and should not replace any traditional medical treatments.                                                      Please continue to seek medical advice when necessary.